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Resource CodeSystem/FHIR Server from package notts.scr.poc#0.1.0 (78 ms)

Package notts.scr.poc
Type CodeSystem
Id Id
FHIR Version R3
Source https://simplifier.net/resolve?scope=notts.scr.poc@0.1.0&canonical=http://fhir.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/codesystem/rockwood-clinical-frailty-scale
Url http://fhir.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/codesystem/rockwood-clinical-frailty-scale
Version 1.0
Status active
Date 2021-01-01
Name Rockwood Clinical Frailty Scale
Title Rockwood Clinical Frailty Scale
Experimental False
Description Rockwood Clinical Frailty Scale
Content complete

Resources that use this resource

http://fhir.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/conceptmap/rockwood-clinical-frailty-scale Concept Map Rockwood Clinical Frailty Scale
http://fhir.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/valueset/rockwood-clinical-frailty-scale Rockwood Clinical Frailty Scale

Resources that this resource uses

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  "resourceType" : "CodeSystem",
  "id" : "notts-ics-codesystem-rockwood-clinical-frailty-scale",
  "url" : "http://fhir.nottinghamshire.gov.uk/codesystem/rockwood-clinical-frailty-scale",
  "version" : "1.0",
  "name" : "Rockwood Clinical Frailty Scale",
  "title" : "Rockwood Clinical Frailty Scale",
  "status" : "active",
  "experimental" : false,
  "date" : "2021-01-01",
  "publisher" : "Nottinghamshire and Nottingham ICS",
  "description" : "Rockwood Clinical Frailty Scale",
  "content" : "complete",
  "concept" : [
      "code" : "1",
      "display" : "Very Fit",
      "definition" : "People who are robust, active, energetic and motivated. These people commonly exercise regularly. They are among the fittest for their age."
      "code" : "2",
      "display" : "Well",
      "definition" : "People who have no active disease symptoms but are less fit than category 1. Often, they exercise or are very active occasionally, e.g. seasonally."
      "code" : "3",
      "display" : "Managing Well",
      "definition" : "People whose medical problems are well controlled, but are not regularly active beyond routine walking."
      "code" : "4",
      "display" : "Vulnerable",
      "definition" : " While not dependent on others for daily help, often symptoms limit activities. A common complaint is being “slowed up”, and/or being tired during the day"
      "code" : "5",
      "display" : "Mildly Frail",
      "definition" : " These people often have more evident slowing, and need help in high order IADLs (finances, transportation, heavy housework, medications). Typically, mild frailty progressively impairs shopping and walking outside alone, meal preparation and housework."
      "code" : "6",
      "display" : "Moderately Frail",
      "definition" : "People need help with all outside activities and with keeping house. Inside, they often have problems with stairs and need help with bathing and might need minimal assistance (cuing, standby) with dressing."
      "code" : "7",
      "display" : "Severely Frail",
      "definition" : "– Completely dependent for personal care, from whatever cause (physical or cognitive). Even so, they seem stable and not at high risk of dying (within ~ 6 months)."
      "code" : "8",
      "display" : "Very Severely Frail",
      "definition" : "Completely dependent, approaching the end of life. Typically, they could not recover even from a minor illness."
      "code" : "9",
      "display" : "Terminally Ill",
      "definition" : "Approaching the end of life. This category applies to people with a life expectancy <6 months, who are not otherwise evidently frail."
  "text" : {

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